Sunday, 23 February 2014

Changing Administrator Password using Command Prompt (CMD) !

After reading this post, you’ll be able to change your(or anyone’s) Administrator account password in windows 7, without asking him the previous one. Usually, for changing the passwords, we go to User Accounts in Control Panel and then opt for changing the passwords. But windows doesn't permit us to do so, till we enter the previous password.

So, it’s clear that we can’t change the password from this method. Because, the current password is also required here, which we don’t know.
But, the same thing can become possible, if perform the same task through Windows Command Prompt (CMD). In this method, we are not prompted to enter the current/old password. But for that, we first need to be logged in as an Administrator (see step 2 below), unless you will be shown an error message stating “System 5 Error”. So, I don’t want you to get this “System 5 Error”, that’s why I was focusing on this point. This hack is very easy, you are only required to perform my all steps, in the exact manner. If you still get any problem, then you can drop your comments below this post.
 The steps are as follows :-
Step-1 :- Press start, and search CMD (windows command prompt).
Step-2 :- Now, do right click on CMD and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR(it’s the most important step of this hack, unless “System 5 Error” will be shown in the end) and then click OK. Most of the users don’t read the whole sentence and press Enter right after searching CMD in this step. Those users get an error named “System 5 Error”. So, please don’t press Enter directly on CMD.
This hack only works when you’re logged in to the Administrator(or administrator like) account. This hack need Administrator(or administrator like) privileges, unless it shows “System 5 Error”. This hack is thus NOT POSSIBLE if you are logged in with the GUEST ACCOUNT.
Step-3 :- Now type the command NET USER and  press ENTER It will give u the names of all the USER A/C’s existing in your computer.

Step-4 :- Here, in this pic, you are getting three names, which are Kamesh, Vaibhav and Guest. We are not at all interested in the Guest account for sure. So leave that. Now the two accounts are left. One is Kamesh and the other is Vaibhav. Here, the both the accounts are having admin priviledges. In most of the cases the main admin account, which is ‘Kamesh’ here, is hidden. And the other account, named ‘Vaibhav’ here, is shown, which is a ADMIN-LIKE account. So, this account also have full admin priviledges. Because only one admin account which is visible here is ‘Vaibhav’, so we will deal with this account in this process.
So, now use our next command, which is net user Vaibhav *
Here, there’s ONE SPACE between NET and USER as well as between Vaibhav and *
Step-5 :- Here u are, now directly enter the new ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD and press enter again confirm ur new password and press enter. You will not see any ************* type of characters in the CMD window when you will be typing your password. But you don’t worry. They are not visible but they got typed. Re-type the same password in Confirm Password option.
Step-6 : U are done. Just type EXIT and then press ENTER to exit. That’s all
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© Programmed Hackers :)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Hacking A Computer Using Fastrack on Backtrack.

Requirments :

1. Backtrack 
2. IP address of victim.
3. Brain.

Now follow these steps :
1. Open Fastrack by clicking on Applications-->Backtrack-->Exploitation tools-->Network exploitation tools-->Fast-Track-->fasttrack-interactive.

2. Now after opening fastrack select the option Payload generator by typing 8 and hitting enter.

3. Now after that type 1 to select Windows Shell Reverse_TCP and hit enter.

4. Now after that type 2 to select shikata_ga_nai and hit enter.

5. Now after that enter the IP address of victim and hit enter.
6. Now you have to scan IP address to get open ports. (Google regarding it)

7. If you get any open ports then enter it like in image.
8. After that type 3 to select Executable and hit enter, this option will create a executable file in  directory filesystem-->pentest>exploit-->fasttrack-->payload.exe.
9. Now the send executable file to victim and when the victim open this file you will be connected to computer remotely. 

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© Programmed Hackers :)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

SQL Injection Using SqlMap (Backtrack 5 R3)

Sqlmap Is An Automated Pen Testing Tool. That Automates The Process Of Detecting And Exploiting SQL Injection Flaws And Taking Over Of Databases. It Comes With A Powerful Detection Engine, Many Niche features For The Ultimate Pen Tester And A Broad Range Of Switchs Lasting From Database Fingerprinting. Over Data Fetching From The Database. This Tool Is Best For Beginners. Who Just Now Entered In Security Field. It Is Easy To Use Tool. This Tool Makes SQL Injection Easy As Compared To Manual SQL Injection.
Follow these simple steps to hack website using backtrack 5 sqlmap tool.

1. Open your backtrack terminal and type cd /pentest/database/sqlmap and hit enter. Now sqlmap is open in your terminal

2. Now find the vulnerable site. (well I already have vulnerable site). You can search for vulnerable sites using Dorks. Google it!

3. Now type this command in the terminal and hit enter.
python -u http://yourvictim’slink/index.php?id=4 –dbs 

 4. Now you will get the database name of the website

Well I got the two database aj and information_schema we will select aj database.
5. Now get the tables of that database. for that you need to enter this command into your terminal and simply hit Enter.
python -u http://yourvictim’slink/index.php?id=4 -D  (database name) –tables
6. Now we need to grab the tables from the aj database. paste this command bellow command and hit enter.
python -u http://www.yourvictim’ -D aj –tables

7. Now you will get the tables list which is stored in aj database.

8. Now lets grab the columns from the admin table
python -u http://www.yourvictim’ -T admin –columns

 Now we got the columns and we got username and password
9. Now lets grab the passwords of the admin
python -u http://www.yourvictim’ -T admin -U test –dump
 Now we got the username and the password of the website !

Now just find the admin panel of the website and use proxy/vpn when you are trying to login in the website as a admin

© Programmed Hackers :)

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hydra (Brute Force Attack) to Hack any E-mail Password !

A password attack that does not attempt to decrypt any information, but continue to try different passwords. For example, a brute-force attack may have a dictionary of all words or a listing of commonly used passwords. To gain access to an account using a brute-force attack, a program tries all available words it has to gain access to the account. Another type of brute-force attack is a program that runs through all letters or letters and numbers until it gets a match. 

How to do Brute force or (Dictionary Attack)
So here we are going to use Backtrack 5, Hydra Attack. I will use fake G-mail a/c for this tutorial

  • Backtrack 4 or 5 with Internet connection
  • Password.txt file (That contains Possible passwords)    
  • Brain.

I took fake ID of G-mail ( as my victim it's password is '521478963', and Suppose i know the possibilities of password so, I will make password.txt file to do brute force attack like this >

Now it's time to start attack using Hydra gtk.
Go to > Application > Backtrack > Privilege Escalation > Password Attacks > Online Attacks > hydra-gtk.

Fill all info on hydra-gtk like this way :-

* Single Target  =
* Port          =    465 
* Protocol    =    smtp
* mark        =   Use SSl, Be Verbose, Show Attempts

After setting your Target, go on Password tab >

Fill all info in this way !!

* Username       =  G-mail  ID (
* Password list   =    upload your possibilites password file 
(save your password.txt file on desktop)

After all go to > Start Tab and Clik on Start.
So, your Brute Force Attack has been started :-
After all it will try Brute force attack using every password and try to login  
with possibilities password, if you were lucky !! then it will show successful message like this.